Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Give Him a Fair Trial and Hang Him


I find the treatment  of Rex Heuermann and members of his family and his home to be disturbing.   The law decided to go after him on relatively flimsy evidence, all circumstantial.  Did he murder anyone?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  He seems to have been convicted in the court of a media hysteria.   They are outraged that it has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt the he is no angel.  

What do I especially dislike about the media coverage and the endless Youtubers signing in about this?  Well, do they point out reasons they believe he is guilty of murdering ladies of the evening?  No.  They tell us over and over that he is unusually tall.  He is so tall, they say, that he evokes comparisions to Frankenstein or Lurch.   Someone that may have been him, or not, was called "an ogre" by a witness.  If he were not accused of a crime, would he be held up to this sort of public ridicule?   Even being accused of a crime, the public scorn is inhumane and low minded.  He is called a bully.  But who is doing the bullying?  The media and the law.  This seems to be to cover up the fact that the evidence is sketchy.   Why?  Well, the law looks silly to have not brought anyone to justice yet.  

His home has been ridiculed to the skies.  This hovel is where a prominent architect lives??  Well, it's a modest home.  I've heard that it had been where he lived with his family growing up.   In fact, much was made of the disturbing implications of that factoid.   Typical serial killer behavior.  Oh, the place is a wreck.  Cluttered!  Sick!! Disturbing!!  Dare I say disgusting?!  Well, OK.  He should be sent to his room without dinner.   That we cannot abide.  

Now let's just trash his family.   I saw a video yesterday by two men who if they had any credentials I don't know what they were.  Mrs. Heuermann is extremely upset with the shambles that her house and yard were in after "the investigation."  She said that it was piled up with rubble making it nearly impossible to walk through the house.  "Oh," they said, "the house was already cluttered."  The bathtub had been sawed up and destroyed.  The tile floor in ruins.  Her bed was demolished.  In fact, what wasn't demolished?  The yard is a giant pit, her expensive greenhouse was practically taken out with bombing.  The whole place looks like a war zone.  Meanwhile the scene of devastation is a circus for curious onlookers.  The opinion of this pair of know it alls was that she had a lot of nerve complaining about her house and yard and all the contents of her house being gutted, without restitution, in the light of the events that have transpired and the accusations against her husband.   They were nice though.  They didn't call her Frankenstein.   Oh.  Did they find more evidence?  Nothing other than a whole lot of guns in a well secured room.   Were any of the victims shot?  No.  Is gun ownership illegal?  No.  Then why all the guns??!!  Well, I don't know.  He will never see them again, that's for sure.  It probably started with the fact that he was a duck hunter.   Oh, and then he just said, "Kill kill kill"?

In lieu of describing evidence of being a serial killer, much is made of the fact that he had porn, and he visited prostitutes, and some of them were murdered.  But none of these things merit the FBI, CIA, NSA and NASA tearing your life to shreds.  Popular celebrities have done these things and been sent for 75 hours of public service, not annihilated.  

Meantime we are told that there were ten (or 11) bodies found in the vacinitiy of the ones Rex Heuermann has been charged with murdering.  This is explained by the idea that there are two serial killers.  Maybe there is one serial killer and he's still out there.  And when were these murders committed?  Thirteen years ago and beyond.  Maybe the serial killer died in the meantime.  Or moved.   I don't think justice is served by the frenzy against an accused person and his home and family.  

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. Their evidence is strangely hazy. They seem to be making a lot of noise about having porn on a computer and visiting prostitutes, as if that proves anything.
