Saturday, August 8, 2020

Goodies at the Post Office

Friday I went to the Post Office.  What did I see?  A bushel of jalapeño peppers next to the door for anyone to help themselves.

I had three Walmart plastic bags in the car so I filled my bags with jalapeños.  How many?  Probably about seventy five. Well, I needed them for guacamole.  Seventy five??  OK, I thought I would figure out what to do with them later.  

I bit into one to make sure it was a jalapeño.  Oh, it was a jalapeño alright.  

My mother sliced one of them in half.  I asked her if she had eaten any.  "Oh yes." "Was it hot?" "Not especially."  ???  I went back to the pepper to see what witchery was going on.  Well, the seeds are the really hot part.  So I decided to remove the seeds.  Next time I'll wear gloves because the monster burned my hands.  Besides that the seeds had a fume that got into my nose and I also inhaled it.  Soon my nose was running and I was coughing my head off.  My mother came in to see what was going on.  "Did you finally come down with Covid?" she asked.   Maybe if I took the seeds out under running water next time.  I took a bite to see if the pepper without seeds was really as mild as I had been told by dear mother.   It was still pretty hot.  

Cooking these marvelous little treasures tames them a lot.  I think Chili's puts them in the coleslaw.  "Thunder slaw."  

After the coughing it occurred to me to take my blood pressure.  It was down around fifteen points.  Strange.  

So that's the news from Paradise.