Friday, June 28, 2024

Today in Paradise


Governor of California Gavin Newsom

I'd love to spout off about Gavin Newsom.  It would be so easy.  Do I think he would be a good replacement for the unfortunate Mr. Biden?  I suppose I think that we would actually be better off with Mr. Biden.  I don't think a second Biden presidency will happen, because it's just too obvious that Joe Biden is out to lunch.  I don't even think a lot of the chaos that has been attributed to Joe Biden was done by him.  He left the building a long time ago.   So, back to the question, would Newsom be a good replacement for Biden?  If one means could he win the election, I would say yes.  I say this because he is an attractive man that is 56 and that is 100% of the reason he would have a good shot.  The news from California where he is governor is scary.  No matter.  He's pretty.   I suppose it would be about media coverage.  Orange Man bad.   And so,  I wish Joe Biden could actually cling to being the Democratic candidate, since the other possibilities are too hard to wrap my head around.   I think that unless Mr. Biden is unable to finish this term, at least we have sidestepped a Kamala Harris fiasco.   Gavin Newsom as president would be like, "The teenagers have the credit cards."  Looking at the upcoming election I think to myself, "Is this a joke?"

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