Monday, June 17, 2024

Rabbit Man Goes On Call Block

 Rabbit Man has an axe to grind.  He is so fixated on it that a week ago it's all he could talk about.   And the week before.  Now this week.  I unloaded on him last week on my blog because of the non stop diatribe about this issue, but then I didn't publish it.  So the non stop diatribe continues.   

What is the issue that so very consumes Rabbit Man?  The lettuce supply?  Worse.  Rabbit Man has an ice maker and encouraged me to buy an ice maker.  It sounded nice, so I did it.  Then what?  Then nothing.  I never set up the ice maker because I really don't have the room for it.  Also, I don't have enough electrical outlets.  This house has two outlets per room.  This was plenty when the house was built, back during the Great Depression.   But these days, outlets are at more of a premium.  

Then?   Rabbit Man visits every blue moon and announces to the world that everything is as right as rain here.  He was here.  Mama is fine.  OK.  Except...except the pond scum that lives in my house, that would be me, still hasn't even taken the ice maker out of the box!!!  So he keeps ordering me to set up the ice maker.  He can carry on for hours about that.  If I say, well, the outlet on the wall behind the desk is completely used.... he will say, then you should put it in the bathroom.  There are a thousand reasons I don't do that.  For one thing, back during the Depression, they didn't put electrical outlets in bathrooms.  OK.  Put it in my bedroom.  I'm using all the outlets in my bedroom.  On and on.  Why don't I start kicking the box in the direction of the washing machine?  It would at least be a start.  Put it on top of the washing machine.  Isn't there an open outlet there?  Then if you need to use the washing machine,  move it over to the dryer.  At this point, I suppose I should have just lied and said the ice maker is all set up.  Mama needs ice.  But I balked again.  Finally I admitted that the outlet in front of the place where the ice maker is sitting is not being used.  But I left out the reason.   If one plugs anything in, the outlet is old, and the plug will fall out.   And, right next to the heater seems like the wrong place for an ice maker.  

Why is he so focused on the ice maker?  Well, it's his new little battleground and he must win this battle or the whole war could go down the drain.   So OK.  He wins.  I'll install the ice maker next to the heater.  But it will need a shelf or table.  "Put a shelf there!  Then you could put the Instant Pot on it, too...and the crock pot, and a hot plate, and the waffle maker you still haven't taken out of the box either...."  I don't want to start cooking in the living room.   And even worse, it would add to the chaos in the living room that I am hoping to straighten out. 

So that was my last conversation with Rabbit Man.  Why do I answer the phone when he calls?  After all, he's calling to talk to Mama.  Well, Mama never answers the phone.   Then I answer the phone and enter the Twilight Zone.  

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