Monday, June 17, 2024

Orange Man Outraged

That Orange Man.  

Orange Man just loves Little Friskies canned pate.  I ran out, so I went ahead and ordered 40 cans off Amazon.  He had started coming over every day and sitting outside the window waiting to me to give him his goody.  And coming in and out of the house a lot.  

I knew knew knew knew he was going to decide to go stay in the woods and never come back to have his pate.  

As he became more habituated to his digs, he started taking liberties.  He jumped into the refrigerator when I opened the door to grab a goody.  This refrigerator sits on top of a freezer, so that was a large leap. I knocked him onto the floor.  That was rude!  So I guess he figured, "That was one."  

But I behaved pretty well for a couple of days.  There was a misunderstanding about a fish fry.  He wasn't invited?  He loves fish!  He was snookered outside and left there.  Rude again!  "That was two," he thought to himself. 

Now?  Now?  We had burger patties for dinner.  Orange Man really had to insist.  He would be having a burger patty.  No he wouldn't.  I had to force him out the door to rescue the burger patties.  "That was three," said Orange Man.  

The canned pate arrived, but just as I thought, Orange Man has decided this place is no good.  He wouldn't eat the pate if I paid him.  He's just so offended.  

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