Monday, June 24, 2024

BEWARE!!! Shopping Anomalies

I have entered the Twilight Zone.   I like to order canned goods by the case because they are packed so that the cans don't get dented.  On I saw that one 15 oz can of Bush's black beans is $1.28.  A case of 12 is $21.60.  Do the math.  The same case of 12 cans of Bush's black beans on Amazon is $15.36.  Well, maybe ... maybe Walmart figures they will be shipping a case so shipping is $6.24.  However, Walmart charges shipping of $6.99 on orders less than $35.  So shipping has been paid for.  Over $35 is free shipping.  But wait, $6.24 isn't free.  

One might get around this by ordering individual cans, but have you ever received individual cans in shipping from Walmart?  Every single can will look like it was dropped out of an airplane.  Or beaten with baseball bats.  And the above example is one of the less outrageous.  


Six cans $15.30.   It sounds competitive with Amazon, who charge $15.36.  Except that's $15.30 for six (6) cans from Walmart, vs $15.36 for twelve (12) cans from Amazon.  It gets worse.  

Twelve cans from Walmart:  $41.44! ???  Does a shipping charge  
explain $26.08?  That's more than double the amount per can.  It's nearly triple.   All over there are examples of this, and way way way worse.  All the canned goods are priced this way.  

What's really going on is a big con game at Walmart.  

I am a bit puzzled over this business model.  Is there some assumption that no one can add?  Or is it just malfeasance?   It's not buenofeasance.

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