Sunday, June 23, 2024

Time to Make Lunch - Nope

 Why don't I make lunch?  I had a fear of going into the living room.  "This is silly," I told myself.

Finally I bravely went out into the living room.  It was 1:30 pm.  OK.  Mrs. Billingsley's space needs some tending.   Done.  Now it was !:45.  You can do it I thought, and walked to the kitchen.  There I saw a delivery truck in the driveway.  I went out and spoke to them about how it's no longer necessary to go to the backdoor because the dog has moved next door.  Then I checked the delivery.  Three boxes.  Two small, one with a label saying, "Heavy."  I wasn't able to lift it, although the delivery person was female, and she did it.  Hmph..  Anyway, I opened it and removed the contents.  

The back steps were a mess because I unload boxes outside, and then leave the boxes there because I'm going to have to burn them in a couple of days.  Why take them inside and then take them back out?  Nah.  Also, a five gallon bucket had broken.  And plastic packing bubbles were everywhere.  Oooooookay.  I got a garbage bag and removed the bucket and bubbles.  

Going in the house, Mrs. Billingsley needed her protein drink.  I gave her the drink, but now I was too tired to make lunch.  And it was now 2:10.   The laundry needs to be put from the washing machine to the dryer and another load started.  

Lately I've been using ice packs that came in a shipment of meat.  These are perfect.  Nice hefty 16 oz ice packs.  All day lately I have been putting them under my clothes.  They also help with achiness.  But they can only do so much.  I like them so much I ordered some more from this company online.  18 ice packs, 16 ox, for $20.  Well!  I'll never be overheated again!

It's almost 2:30.  Lunch has been skipped.  No wonder I was avoiding the living room.  All those little chores took an hour, and now I am too wasted to make lunch, which is what I was trying to do. 

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