Friday, June 28, 2024

Life in Paradise


On the weekends, especially in the summer, I like to celebrate with having Cokes.  When I awaken Saturday morning,  I run out and get a Coke out of the refrigerator.   Otherwise, who knows what would happen?  

Sadly, the Cokes were long gone by Tuesday.  I planned to shop on Thursday,  but circumstances conspired to prevent that.  

And so it was that this afternoon I went shopping and picked up the groceries, and most of all,  the supply of Cokes.   Yippee!

I put one in the freezer so in another hour I can partake of Cokey goodness.   And for fry!

And tomorrow my new flip flops arrive.  I'm all ready for sunshine.  A whole bunch of ice packs,  a carton of Cokes,  and brand new flip flops.  

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