Friday, June 21, 2024

Orange Man Continues To Shun Me


I saw Orange Man today.  I was outside heading for the backdoor.  He didn't see me at first, and looked like he was checking to see if his goodies materialized by magic on the back steps.  Nope.  As I continued to approach the door, he ran away into the bushes.  

I probably will not put goodies outside anymore.  I've even reconsidered putting out birdseed.  I had seen a story on Youtube about a woman being killed by a black bear in California.  There is a bear that comes into my yard sometimes, and he even tore the garbage in the garbage bin to shreds once.  I didn't take it too seriously until I saw this story.  I thought brown and black bears were relatively unaggressive, except for grizzly bears.  I quit going outside at night because of the bear, but other than that I didn't take any precautions.  The bear in Downieville, California had been menacing the woman to the point that she complained to the authorities about it, who told her it was her problem.  She even put iron bars over her windows.  Recently she went to bed, and fell asleep.  The bear tore the bars off one of the windows, and climbed inside and killed and ate her.   When her remains were discovered and the authorities finally showed up, the bear was still eating her body.  Then they shot him.  So this has given me new insights into bears.  I had never even known of a bear tearing up a garbage bin before the one around here did it to me.   It seems like a bad sign.   Well, in campgrounds I had heard warnings about bears and securing food carefully.  And they have bear proof garbage cans sometimes.  

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