Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New Weed Eater


The last and final yardman was using the weed eater and when it needed more string.  Poof.   He threw it out in the yard.  There it lay in the pouring rain when I found it.  I'm never going to pay anyone to mow the yard again.  I don't care if this whole place returns to nature.  Well, that's not all.  There are no more rose bushes.  There were around a dozen of them, planted and taken care of by Mrs. Billingsley and me.  He tore them all down.   Do men hate roses?  They sure have destroyed a lot of mine. Men that I bet have never planted a rose bush.  Probably any other plant.  I just can't deal with any more people like that in my space.  So, what to do?  

So far I've been getting around the yard by putting cardboard boxes all over the place to walk on and also kill the weeds.   I tried to use the weed eater, but it is too messed up.  So I went weed eater shopping on Amazon.  I really tortured myself shopping.  Which one is best?  Finally I decided on a Craftsman model.  It's battery powered, and I imagine the battery will suffice to do twenty minutes of yard work, but I bought a 4.0 amp extra battery.   I agonized over buying that extra battery, too.  I hope this works out OK.  It probably will be adequate to cut enough of the weeds and grass to get outside and keep the area around the car from being overgrown, keep the route to the mailbox, front and back door, car, and trash bin area open, and the way out to my shed passable.  

It looks like weed eaters have come a long way since that weed eater that I had was made.  It operated by being plugged into a long electric cord.   The other option is to get one that operates on gas.  No.  I guess it's the improvement in batteries lately that has improved weed eaters.   

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