Sunday, June 30, 2024

Dr. McDougall

This link is a video of Dr. John McDougall on a Ted Talk podcast in 2012.    I was acquainted with Dr. McDougall because I had decided to go on a 30 day medically supervised water fast, and Dr. McDougall happened to supervise my fast at a clinic in Santa Rosa, California in 2014.  I was trying to recover from rheumatoid arthritis and had been told by a local doctor that a 30 water fast might help.  I thought Dr. McDougall was kind, warm, charming, and encouraging.  He had a habit of pinching my arm as a friendly gesture.  This was unique for my doctor experiences.  And I mean pinch.  

I happened to see a video a few days ago about Dr. McDougall in my Youtube feed, so I clicked on it.  Sadly, the video was a tribute to him after his recent death at age 77.  

After seeing this video, I became vaguely aware that there was more to the Dr. McDougall story than I knew.  He was an author, with a best seller on the New York Times bestseller list.  He had a Youtube channel, inviting viewers to "Ask me anything."  He had had a stroke at age 18 due to a congenital disorder.  I think probably this had impacted his lifestyle.  

It turns out Dr. McDougall was the inventor of the vegan diet.  His book was about his diet recommendations, which was a high starch diet, and plant based.  Very low fat.  I imagine I would have read his book if I had been aware of the fact that he wrote it, and I may still read it.  It's unlikely to cause me to change my ways though because starch and I aren't friends.  I read a book once that recommended a rice based diet, and I ate nothing but rice for four terrible days.  And that was the end of that.  

I saw videos of Dr. McDougall on his Youtube channel from 2020.  He wasn't looking as well I when I met him.  Just looking at him, he seemed to have muscle wasting, which happens with age sometimes, but had it been that long?  He looked more than six years older.  This was puzzling, and I wondered if the high starch diet had taken a toll on him.   On the other hand, what about my friends at the Seventh Day Adventists,  Brother Melvin and Sister Cecelia?  They were rabid vegetarians and lived to both be 94, and then each passed away at nearly the same time.   Of course, genetics plays a large role in aging, and Dr. McDougall had become a health guru partly due to a congenital disorder.  There was no information on his cause of death, except to say that he died peacefully in his sleep.  

Rest in peace Dr. McDougall. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

I'm Not a Doctor But I Play One on TV

One hears over and over that Jill Biden is "a doctor."   It is usually either stated outright, or implied that she is a medical doctor.  She has a doctorate in education from the University of Delaware.   She is not a medical professional.  


Bob Dylan- My Back Pages

Ballad of a thin man

Friday, June 28, 2024

Sam Cooke - Another Saturday Night (Official Lyric Video)

Life in Paradise


On the weekends, especially in the summer, I like to celebrate with having Cokes.  When I awaken Saturday morning,  I run out and get a Coke out of the refrigerator.   Otherwise, who knows what would happen?  

Sadly, the Cokes were long gone by Tuesday.  I planned to shop on Thursday,  but circumstances conspired to prevent that.  

And so it was that this afternoon I went shopping and picked up the groceries, and most of all,  the supply of Cokes.   Yippee!

I put one in the freezer so in another hour I can partake of Cokey goodness.   And for fry!

And tomorrow my new flip flops arrive.  I'm all ready for sunshine.  A whole bunch of ice packs,  a carton of Cokes,  and brand new flip flops.  

Today in Paradise


Governor of California Gavin Newsom

I'd love to spout off about Gavin Newsom.  It would be so easy.  Do I think he would be a good replacement for the unfortunate Mr. Biden?  I suppose I think that we would actually be better off with Mr. Biden.  I don't think a second Biden presidency will happen, because it's just too obvious that Joe Biden is out to lunch.  I don't even think a lot of the chaos that has been attributed to Joe Biden was done by him.  He left the building a long time ago.   So, back to the question, would Newsom be a good replacement for Biden?  If one means could he win the election, I would say yes.  I say this because he is an attractive man that is 56 and that is 100% of the reason he would have a good shot.  The news from California where he is governor is scary.  No matter.  He's pretty.   I suppose it would be about media coverage.  Orange Man bad.   And so,  I wish Joe Biden could actually cling to being the Democratic candidate, since the other possibilities are too hard to wrap my head around.   I think that unless Mr. Biden is unable to finish this term, at least we have sidestepped a Kamala Harris fiasco.   Gavin Newsom as president would be like, "The teenagers have the credit cards."  Looking at the upcoming election I think to myself, "Is this a joke?"

US Presidential debate was an ‘epic breakdown’ of Biden’s ‘entire campaign’

Monday, June 24, 2024

BEWARE!!! Shopping Anomalies

I have entered the Twilight Zone.   I like to order canned goods by the case because they are packed so that the cans don't get dented.  On I saw that one 15 oz can of Bush's black beans is $1.28.  A case of 12 is $21.60.  Do the math.  The same case of 12 cans of Bush's black beans on Amazon is $15.36.  Well, maybe ... maybe Walmart figures they will be shipping a case so shipping is $6.24.  However, Walmart charges shipping of $6.99 on orders less than $35.  So shipping has been paid for.  Over $35 is free shipping.  But wait, $6.24 isn't free.  

One might get around this by ordering individual cans, but have you ever received individual cans in shipping from Walmart?  Every single can will look like it was dropped out of an airplane.  Or beaten with baseball bats.  And the above example is one of the less outrageous.  


Six cans $15.30.   It sounds competitive with Amazon, who charge $15.36.  Except that's $15.30 for six (6) cans from Walmart, vs $15.36 for twelve (12) cans from Amazon.  It gets worse.  

Twelve cans from Walmart:  $41.44! ???  Does a shipping charge  
explain $26.08?  That's more than double the amount per can.  It's nearly triple.   All over there are examples of this, and way way way worse.  All the canned goods are priced this way.  

What's really going on is a big con game at Walmart.  

I am a bit puzzled over this business model.  Is there some assumption that no one can add?  Or is it just malfeasance?   It's not buenofeasance.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Time to Make Lunch - Nope

 Why don't I make lunch?  I had a fear of going into the living room.  "This is silly," I told myself.

Finally I bravely went out into the living room.  It was 1:30 pm.  OK.  Mrs. Billingsley's space needs some tending.   Done.  Now it was !:45.  You can do it I thought, and walked to the kitchen.  There I saw a delivery truck in the driveway.  I went out and spoke to them about how it's no longer necessary to go to the backdoor because the dog has moved next door.  Then I checked the delivery.  Three boxes.  Two small, one with a label saying, "Heavy."  I wasn't able to lift it, although the delivery person was female, and she did it.  Hmph..  Anyway, I opened it and removed the contents.  

The back steps were a mess because I unload boxes outside, and then leave the boxes there because I'm going to have to burn them in a couple of days.  Why take them inside and then take them back out?  Nah.  Also, a five gallon bucket had broken.  And plastic packing bubbles were everywhere.  Oooooookay.  I got a garbage bag and removed the bucket and bubbles.  

Going in the house, Mrs. Billingsley needed her protein drink.  I gave her the drink, but now I was too tired to make lunch.  And it was now 2:10.   The laundry needs to be put from the washing machine to the dryer and another load started.  

Lately I've been using ice packs that came in a shipment of meat.  These are perfect.  Nice hefty 16 oz ice packs.  All day lately I have been putting them under my clothes.  They also help with achiness.  But they can only do so much.  I like them so much I ordered some more from this company online.  18 ice packs, 16 ox, for $20.  Well!  I'll never be overheated again!

It's almost 2:30.  Lunch has been skipped.  No wonder I was avoiding the living room.  All those little chores took an hour, and now I am too wasted to make lunch, which is what I was trying to do. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Melon on Keto/Carnivore Diet


Usually people go on a diet to lose weight.  However,  although I have lost weight on keto, it was not my motivation for going on the ketogenic diet.  I didn't even realize I had gone on the ketogenic diet.

It was a long time ago now, when I was a youngster.  I had autoimmune problems that made me feel terrible, however, most people looked at me and saw a healthy person.  All this stuff about not feeling well was an excuse for lack of motivation.  

What was my most vexing problem?  Extreme sleep disorder.  What does that sound like when you complain about it?  Whining.  Psychological problems.  I sometimes stayed awake for three days.  And I sometimes suddenly fell asleep without warning at odd times.   I tried to keep going to work and live a normal life, but obviously to everyone, something wasn't right.  Usually I was assumed to be drunk.  And usually I was fired.  All except once.  I lived in Miami and was a medical transcriber for the VA.  My sister and I lived in an apartment and shared the rent.  But she found a nice apartment in Ft. Lauderdale and moved, expecting me to go with her, but not running the idea by me first.  Well, how was I going to drive so far to work every day?  I was very nervous about this because although my boss pleaded with me to quit partying on week nights, supposing I always had a serious hangover, he put up with me and my problems since he was just a nice person and the VA was desperate for medical transcribers.   In addition, since I had been in the Army, and this was a federal job, I had started with three years of seniority, and had perks like three weeks of vacation time a year,  lots of holidays and two weeks of sick leave a year.  On average I only had to work four days a week.  Plus I had already racked up a substantial retirement for having only worked one year.  And so it was the one and only way I had found to stay employed.  I told my aunt that I was planning to continue working at the VA in Miami.  She said, "You are going to drive 50 miles each way to work every day????!!!!!"  She thought that was stupid.  Well, OK.  So I quit my job.  That was my very last job that I was able to hold for more than a few days.   Before long I went to live with my mother, and hoped a breather would improve my health.   Not so much.  

Things took a nosedive with my health, and I went to a local doctor who tested me for food allergies.  Oh my.  What a mess.  I went on a hypoallergenic diet, and guess what?  My health improved incredibly.  

I had the GI Bill and used it to go to graduate school.  So for around three years I floated long being a student.  This was more manageable because the hours were so flexible.   But all that came to an end when I graduated, and the GI Bill was all used up too.  

And so I became an instructor at a technical college.  Well....   That had some of the advantages of being a student because of the hours, and I managed to cling to that job for a while.  But one sad day, poof, fired again.  

I saw that diet was key to me limping through life.   I also saw that I was going to need to do everything it took to go on disability, so eventually that worked out for me, and a whole lot of the chaos of my life eased.  

And so, I made up my mind to experiment with diet until I found something that helped me.  The hypoallergenic diet worked pretty well, but it was very hard to follow because I was limited to very few foods, and these foods had to be rotated and only eaten once very four days to prevent new allergies from developing.  At no time should I even look at dairy.  

I eventually found that a very low carb diet, 20 grams a day, with about 50% of the calories from fat, worked about as well as the hypoallergenic diet, and it was much more flexible.  So, ever since then it's been keto for me.  If I get too far away from keto, even for a day, I've got the devil to pay, so I don't much do that.  And I had beautiful numbers.  Cholesterol and especially triglycerides were low, things like that.  The number one thing to me was that I usually slept better.  

But wait.  New information.  A doctor recommended that I read The Specific Carbohydrate Diet.  This is different from keto in that one eats carbs, but only monosaccharides.  Disaccharides or polysaccharides are the carbs one must avoid.  OK.  What does that do?  For me it did as well for autoimmune control and narcolepsy as keto.  It has helped a lot of people with epilepsy, autism, and all sorts of immune and neurological disorders.  I thought it might be better to switch over to this diet, except that my cholesterol and blood pressure went up, so I decided to just do keto.  

Anyway, I've been mostly eating a carnivore diet, with almost no carbs.  But sometimes I eat cantaloupe.  Yesterday it was cantaloupe and watermelon, one pound of each.  Yikes!  That was around 70 grams of carbs.  But, no matter.  I slept normally and felt fine.  This is most likely due to the carbs being monosaccharides.  

Another curious anomaly though, was that on the day that I ate the potato flakes, I ate only mashed potatoes that day, but lots of them, and probably 80 grams of carbs.  However, my fasting glucose the next day was even better than it is on carnivore.  Mashed potato carbs are starch, which is not a monosaccharide.  

So the diet mystery continues.  

Friday, June 21, 2024

Lana Del Rey - Summertime (The Gershwin Version - Official Video)

The Jamies - Summertime, Summertime (Audio)

Happy Summer


Orange Man Continues To Shun Me


I saw Orange Man today.  I was outside heading for the backdoor.  He didn't see me at first, and looked like he was checking to see if his goodies materialized by magic on the back steps.  Nope.  As I continued to approach the door, he ran away into the bushes.  

I probably will not put goodies outside anymore.  I've even reconsidered putting out birdseed.  I had seen a story on Youtube about a woman being killed by a black bear in California.  There is a bear that comes into my yard sometimes, and he even tore the garbage in the garbage bin to shreds once.  I didn't take it too seriously until I saw this story.  I thought brown and black bears were relatively unaggressive, except for grizzly bears.  I quit going outside at night because of the bear, but other than that I didn't take any precautions.  The bear in Downieville, California had been menacing the woman to the point that she complained to the authorities about it, who told her it was her problem.  She even put iron bars over her windows.  Recently she went to bed, and fell asleep.  The bear tore the bars off one of the windows, and climbed inside and killed and ate her.   When her remains were discovered and the authorities finally showed up, the bear was still eating her body.  Then they shot him.  So this has given me new insights into bears.  I had never even known of a bear tearing up a garbage bin before the one around here did it to me.   It seems like a bad sign.   Well, in campgrounds I had heard warnings about bears and securing food carefully.  And they have bear proof garbage cans sometimes.  

The Righteous Brothers "You'll Never Walk Alone" on The Ed Sullivan Show

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

LDS Food Storage (Later Day Saints)

The Mormon Tabernacle
Salt Lake City, Utah

I am still doing pantry stocking.  In the past I've shopped at the online LDS food storage, called Provident Pantry.  The Mormon Church requires that members have a two years food supply, and so it is that the Later Day Saints have a grocery section at economical prices.  I'm not Mormon, however, the store will sell to anyone.  The only problem with this store is the selection.  It's pretty basic: black beans, rice, flour, wheat berries, potato flakes, macaroni, non fat milk, and a few other things.  What am I considering?  Black beans, rice, macaroni.  

I''ve heard that in other times, I think WWII probably, Mormon families were really rescued by their two year food storage supply.  Another interesting fact that I've heard is that contrary with what so many people have told me when I've spoken about long term food storage in conversations, the Mormons who were in emergency situations with their two year supply of food seldom reported anyone raiding their homes to take their food.  This is a criticism I've heard over and over.  My main motivation is the concern of inflation making groceries harder to afford, not so much food shortages.  

Full Moon June 21st


Sooo Yummy!

 These instant mashed potatoes arrived today.  I opened the can and tried them.  First off, be warned.  This can was difficult to open.  But after that, I made two servings.   Boil the water.  Two parts water, one part potato gems.  After the water boils, stir in the potato gems for thirty seconds.  Wait about five minutes.  Oh, aren't these delicious.  I think they are better than any other instant mashed potatoes I've ever eaten.  If I didn't know, I would have thought they were made from fresh potatoes.  Nice.  

Orange Man on Strike


The snubbing by Orange Man continues.  Forever?  Very doubtful.  Until he forgets whatever he's mad about.   And the mouse population dwindles.  

He's out in the bushes somewhere sulking.  

"Once I was a fat cat," he's thinking.   "I walked in and out of that fancy palace like I owned it.  I was fed pate and tidbits."

?Now?  I'm reduced to eating birds and mice!  But what choice do I have?  A line in the sand has been crossed."  

"She must learn her lesson."  

After a while, he'll start to wonder, "What will become of me?  I'll wind up starving and alone.  She will probably forget me.  They will find me somewhere, scrawny and unconscious."  

She will find my nearly lifeless body and think, "Maybe he needs to be declawed.  I'll take him to the vet.  I'll ask the vet to neuter him, too."  

"What if she gets another cat??!!"

"Poor little me."  

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New Weed Eater


The last and final yardman was using the weed eater and when it needed more string.  Poof.   He threw it out in the yard.  There it lay in the pouring rain when I found it.  I'm never going to pay anyone to mow the yard again.  I don't care if this whole place returns to nature.  Well, that's not all.  There are no more rose bushes.  There were around a dozen of them, planted and taken care of by Mrs. Billingsley and me.  He tore them all down.   Do men hate roses?  They sure have destroyed a lot of mine. Men that I bet have never planted a rose bush.  Probably any other plant.  I just can't deal with any more people like that in my space.  So, what to do?  

So far I've been getting around the yard by putting cardboard boxes all over the place to walk on and also kill the weeds.   I tried to use the weed eater, but it is too messed up.  So I went weed eater shopping on Amazon.  I really tortured myself shopping.  Which one is best?  Finally I decided on a Craftsman model.  It's battery powered, and I imagine the battery will suffice to do twenty minutes of yard work, but I bought a 4.0 amp extra battery.   I agonized over buying that extra battery, too.  I hope this works out OK.  It probably will be adequate to cut enough of the weeds and grass to get outside and keep the area around the car from being overgrown, keep the route to the mailbox, front and back door, car, and trash bin area open, and the way out to my shed passable.  

It looks like weed eaters have come a long way since that weed eater that I had was made.  It operated by being plugged into a long electric cord.   The other option is to get one that operates on gas.  No.  I guess it's the improvement in batteries lately that has improved weed eaters.   

Monday, June 17, 2024

Orange Man Outraged

That Orange Man.  

Orange Man just loves Little Friskies canned pate.  I ran out, so I went ahead and ordered 40 cans off Amazon.  He had started coming over every day and sitting outside the window waiting to me to give him his goody.  And coming in and out of the house a lot.  

I knew knew knew knew he was going to decide to go stay in the woods and never come back to have his pate.  

As he became more habituated to his digs, he started taking liberties.  He jumped into the refrigerator when I opened the door to grab a goody.  This refrigerator sits on top of a freezer, so that was a large leap. I knocked him onto the floor.  That was rude!  So I guess he figured, "That was one."  

But I behaved pretty well for a couple of days.  There was a misunderstanding about a fish fry.  He wasn't invited?  He loves fish!  He was snookered outside and left there.  Rude again!  "That was two," he thought to himself. 

Now?  Now?  We had burger patties for dinner.  Orange Man really had to insist.  He would be having a burger patty.  No he wouldn't.  I had to force him out the door to rescue the burger patties.  "That was three," said Orange Man.  

The canned pate arrived, but just as I thought, Orange Man has decided this place is no good.  He wouldn't eat the pate if I paid him.  He's just so offended.  

Perry Como - Dream On Little Dreamer

I whistle a happy tune - The King and I (1956)

Rabbit Man Goes On Call Block

 Rabbit Man has an axe to grind.  He is so fixated on it that a week ago it's all he could talk about.   And the week before.  Now this week.  I unloaded on him last week on my blog because of the non stop diatribe about this issue, but then I didn't publish it.  So the non stop diatribe continues.   

What is the issue that so very consumes Rabbit Man?  The lettuce supply?  Worse.  Rabbit Man has an ice maker and encouraged me to buy an ice maker.  It sounded nice, so I did it.  Then what?  Then nothing.  I never set up the ice maker because I really don't have the room for it.  Also, I don't have enough electrical outlets.  This house has two outlets per room.  This was plenty when the house was built, back during the Great Depression.   But these days, outlets are at more of a premium.  

Then?   Rabbit Man visits every blue moon and announces to the world that everything is as right as rain here.  He was here.  Mama is fine.  OK.  Except...except the pond scum that lives in my house, that would be me, still hasn't even taken the ice maker out of the box!!!  So he keeps ordering me to set up the ice maker.  He can carry on for hours about that.  If I say, well, the outlet on the wall behind the desk is completely used.... he will say, then you should put it in the bathroom.  There are a thousand reasons I don't do that.  For one thing, back during the Depression, they didn't put electrical outlets in bathrooms.  OK.  Put it in my bedroom.  I'm using all the outlets in my bedroom.  On and on.  Why don't I start kicking the box in the direction of the washing machine?  It would at least be a start.  Put it on top of the washing machine.  Isn't there an open outlet there?  Then if you need to use the washing machine,  move it over to the dryer.  At this point, I suppose I should have just lied and said the ice maker is all set up.  Mama needs ice.  But I balked again.  Finally I admitted that the outlet in front of the place where the ice maker is sitting is not being used.  But I left out the reason.   If one plugs anything in, the outlet is old, and the plug will fall out.   And, right next to the heater seems like the wrong place for an ice maker.  

Why is he so focused on the ice maker?  Well, it's his new little battleground and he must win this battle or the whole war could go down the drain.   So OK.  He wins.  I'll install the ice maker next to the heater.  But it will need a shelf or table.  "Put a shelf there!  Then you could put the Instant Pot on it, too...and the crock pot, and a hot plate, and the waffle maker you still haven't taken out of the box either...."  I don't want to start cooking in the living room.   And even worse, it would add to the chaos in the living room that I am hoping to straighten out. 

So that was my last conversation with Rabbit Man.  Why do I answer the phone when he calls?  After all, he's calling to talk to Mama.  Well, Mama never answers the phone.   Then I answer the phone and enter the Twilight Zone.  

Saturday, June 1, 2024

My Prophetic Dream


Last night I had a beautiful dream.  The living room was all straightened up and just looked fabulous.  I just know this is going to happen.  

During the latest Billingsley event, I wish you could have seen the 911 people trying to decide what to do with Mrs. Billingsley.   They truly made an issue out of it.  It wasn't that big of an issue.  

One of the paramedics sat with me for a moment, trying to unignite the situation.   That was very kind of him.  But see this from my point of view.  The lunatic Mrs. Billingsley needs to go out to the passenger seat of my car, but she can't make that happen.  Neither can I.  So, I call the lunatic 911 people.   Well, this is going to take five men??  Not so much.  One on each side, holding her up as she navigates with a walker.  

Well, I could go on.  David cautiously gave me a lecture about the state of affairs in the living room.  Then he magnanimously offered to come over here with his tribe and make the magic happen.  Oh my.  

I haven't called him yet because the last two weeks were focused on a dental emergency.  I's resolved.  

So my wonderful dream is about to become reality.  Thank you Jesus and David