Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Orange Man Missing


Orange Man was last seen yesterday around twilight.  He was in the living room, and I had made chicken patties and sliced tomatoes for dinner.   Orange Man attempted to eat my chicken patty.  Since he is too large now to toss outside, having put on quite a bit of weight, I lured him outside with one of my chicken patties.  As usual, he fell for this ploy, and I ran back inside with my chicken patty and slammed the door.   He gave me a look of betrayal as I darted off.  

Last night was below freezing, so naturally I could hardly sleep worrying about Orange Man.  This morning he was not sitting in the window trying to get me to let him in.  This was super disturbing.   I supposed he would show up, but so far, nothing!

What could have happened?  Is he lying out in the woods injured?  Is he upset with me?  He's been known to get his feelings hurt if I start being mean, like shaking a stick at him.   Has he been lying out in the road and gotten run over by a car?  There was a strange gray tabby tomcat sitting in the window yesterday.  I didn't see him, but I heard about him.  Did he attack Precious?  

I better call the sheriff. 


At 7:30 pm I saw Orange Man sitting at the window.  He's OK!!!


  1. This is why I don't invite cats in the house

  2. They're too easily offended.

    1. Waaaaiiittt.... Am I Orange Man??

    2. I did listen to my message. I would have forgotten if you hadn't reminded me. A case for my noble device? ❤️ That's so thoughtful of you!! I just got a case, but thank you. 🌷
