Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Kitchen Heroics


I must have watched ten videos on how to hard boil eggs in an Instant Pot.  The more I watched, the more nervous I was about it.  Every one of them had different instructions.  Pressure cook for one minute, pressure cook for four minutes, five minutes.  Don't release the pressure.  Release the pressure.  Use ice water.  Don't use ice water.  

In the end I had to use my own judgment.  Scary.   So, I tried pressure cooking nine eggs for four minutes, then did not release the pressure for another four minutes, then an ice bath.  

The eggs were very good.  No green around the yolk.  The yolk wasn't too hard but it was adequately cooked.  Nice white.  Not rubbery.  Every egg was easy to peel and looked perfect.  This is a first for me.   My yolks are always green, the whites are rubbery, the yolk has little gumballs in it.  The shell will not, will not, will not peel.  And some of the eggs are cracked with egg white everywhere.  

I decided to hard boil another nine eggs.  Perfection again.  

Not only that, this method takes less time.  I could have hard boiled all 18 eggs at the same time, but I wanted to be sure it would work first.  

So then, with all those eggs, I used nine to make egg salad.  Then I was tired, so I decided tomorrow to make chicken salad, tuna salad, and deviled eggs.  

I was ridiculously pleased with myself.