Sunday, November 12, 2023

No More Parties At My House


There was a party at my house today.  I was the host.  

No one sees the preparations behind the scenes.   I just can't do it again.  The problem is, my mother needs a lot of attention.   There's nothing left of the day to spend hosting a party.  

I was a little surprised at the craziness that was left for me to tend to.  I wish I had caught it when it happened.  Rabbit Man was kind enough to bring a large box of books for Mama.  And put them directly in the path to get to her bed.  He may be able to sling around such things, but can my mother or I move boxes of books?  But it did have to be moved.  Also around thirty pounds of magazines he had saved up for her.  

I had tried to wash the dishes before the fiasco, I mean fiesta, but ran out of time.  I took a few dishes to the kitchen and was surprised to see that the rest of the dishes had been piled up on top of the dishes in the sink.  The sink was already full to the brink.   

Mama had eaten none of her dinner, because she wasn't able to chew it.  She had requested pork chops, and I had mentioned that I was thinking of buying pork loin.  I guess we had pork loin.  It was beautifully cooked and delicious.  Unfortunately it required more chewing than Mother is up to.  I was just too exhausted to deal with the leftovers.  

So it's just too chaotic already around here to put anything else on top of me to do.  


  1. In the past, when I've felt like this, someone always suggests I do volunteer work.

    1. That amounts to what I'm doing with myself all day

    I think this is who Daddy could have been.

  3. an egg exploded in the microwave. It was terrifying.

    1. I know a skilled therapist. Be brave.

    2. I have experience with eggs exploding if you ever feel you need to talk.

    3. It's been pretty quiet for a while. I think it's safe to go back in there.

    4. How's your recovery going? Any nightmares?
