Monday, December 4, 2023

Today In Paradise


Today I decided to hard boil two dozen eggs.  I have been trying to use the InstantPot for this, but there were some difficulties.  I have a wire basket for the InstantPot, and put a cup on water in the pot.  Then I thought I set the timer to four minutes.   I thought I would leave the eggs in another four minutes after they finished the pressure cycle.  It's a good thing I came back in eight minutes, because I had set the timer for four hours.  So those eggs were done.  Then I started a second dozen.  

One of the eggs was cracked, and I peeled it.  It didn't look right, so I tossed it out.  I peeled a second one.  Perfect.  And the timer was correctly set now.  

So that great adventure went OK.   Now I guess I'll make pickled eggs, which I've never done before.  So, we'll see. 

I used a half gallon Mason jar, and filled it halfway with vinegar, then put in the spices that I had mixed up in a bowl a few days ago.  What spices?   That's what I'm wondering.   I thought at first it was 4 tablespoons salt, two tablespoons allspice, and two tablespoons garlic.   But wait.  That was the amount for a full gallon.  This brine looked weird.  No no no.  I never saw pickled egg brine like that before.  So I poured half of it out, and then refilled the jar halfway with vinegar.  I put in ten shelled hard boiled eggs.  This can't be right.  Then I double checked my recipe.  Oh, one half quart of vinegar, not a full quart.  Cheesh.  I thought I might pour it all out and start over.  Well, maybe tomorrow.  I don't know what I did, and I'm afraid I'll have a second fiasco if I keep going.  So ten pathetic pickled eggs.  If they turn out OK, I won't even know how I did it.  

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