Monday, July 24, 2017


How to control your appetite and release your belly fat

With hundreds’s of thousands of calories stored in their belly, why are fat people hungry?
This article is about why fat people are hungry and what they can do to completely control their appetite.
Did you know, You could live off the fat you’ve saved and retire from being hungry all the time.
The problem is, this huge savings of energy called body fat is locked up.
People who are fat are actually rich in energy, they have a big fat bank account of stored food locked up around their belly, butt and chinny, chin, chins. But, for some reason, they can’t make a withdrawal on that account.
It’s like the crazy old man who lived on cans of cat food, because he had forgotten about the million dollars he had in the bank. He was rich, he could have gone to the best restaurant every day and eaten the finest steak with all the trimmings, but because he forgot he was rich, he lived off cheap cans of cat food.
This is the problem for most heavy people too. They have a huge bank account of stored fat, but they stay hungry all the time.
They have many 100’s of thousands of calories banked away that could keep them fed and satisfied for a long time, yet they can’t withdraw this fortune. They don’t have access to the account number, so to speak, and without this access, the First National Bank of Belly Fat, will not let them make a withdrawal on their fortune.
Something has stolen their checkbook, something has taken their debit card and has been using it to steal their food, while at the same time, preventing them from making a withdrawal from their own account.
That something is chronically high insulin levels, and before you turn me off, stick around and I’ll prove what I just said to you in a few minutes.
This constant high insulin level is like a identity thief, it takes your food and locks it away where you can’t get to it.
And like an identity thief, as long as it has control, you are locked out of your First National Bank of Belly Fat account.
Bank Clipart
Bank Clipart
So, if you’re fat, you are rich in fat, but can’t use your riches. At least you haven’t been able to use them.
To explain what I mean a little differently, let’s look at this whole problem from a different angle. Instead of looking at getting fat, let’s look at starvation.
Famous researcher George F. Cahill was a scientist who studied human starvation. He found out that a 154 pound person (about 70 kilos) had the following energy stored in their body.
Scientific publications by George F. Cahill, Jr.
They had about 1500 calories of stored sugar or what is called glycogen stored in their liver and muscles, which by the way, the body does not like to use, it likes to preserve this energy for emergencies or for times when food is scarce. In other words, it likes to hang onto this energy.
This average sized person also has about 13 – 15 pounds (about 6 to 8 kilos) of protein, or about 25,000 calories of protein, but Cahill points out that most of the protein is locked up in their tissues and used for processes of living and very little of it could be used for ready energy. Besides the body doesn’t like to use protein for energy anyway and doesn’t store extra protein for energy.
So this 154 pound person, 70 kilo person has a small amount of stored sugar called glycogen and they have a much larger amount of protein, but the body doesn’t like to burn either one of these if it doesn’t have to. In fact, the body WILL not reduce these storage levels, so long as food is available.
But here’s the part I want you to hear me on, Cahill found that the average 154 pound person (70 kg) so we’re not talking about a fat person, but a fairly trim person.
This 154 pound person had 22 – 33 pounds of fat (10 to 15 kilos of fat) and that trim person’s fat represented between 100,000 to 150,000 calories of fat.
Cahill estimated that amount of fat was enough energy to keep that fairly trim person alive without eating for between 1 to 3 months. That’s one to three months of a total fast. Total starvation, living on their own body fat, 1 to 3 months of extra fat, even for a fairly slim person.
Can you imagine if a 154 pound person could live 1 to 3 months on his fat, how long could I have lived on my fat, when I was 320 pounds?
Here’s a couple of pictures of me, to show you what I mean.
If you look like me, on the left, your fat is locked up by chronically elevated insulin and you can't use it. Disclaimer, these are my (Bob Briggs) results, this website is informational in nature and not intended to replace treatment by your doctor.
If you look like me, on the left, your fat is locked up by chronically elevated insulin and you can’t use it.
Disclaimer, these are my (Bob Briggs) results, this website is informational in nature and not intended to replace treatment by your doctor.
We really don’t have to guess too much on how long a very fat person could live on all that fat, because there is an actual experiment that was done in the 1960’s that gives us an answer.
A 27 year old Scottish man, Angus Barbieri, FASTED for 382 days (over a year) thirteen months without a bite to eat, and he lost an astonishing 276 pounds (about 125 kilos).
Angus Barbieri
He was 456 pounds when he started (207 kilos) and at the end he was 180 pounds (82 kilos). He did this under medical supervision, so we know he didn’t cheat. You can read about it in the notes to this video.
This man’s 276 pound fat belly amounted to enough fuel to keep him alive and well for over a year, 382 days.
And this 276 pounds of fat (about 125 kilos of fat) would be close to a million calories of energy. It’s an absolutely amazingly high number.
Which means my own 150 extra pounds that I lost, was holding at least a half a million calories of energy.
Disclaimer, these are my (Bob Briggs) results, this website is informational in nature and not intended to replace treatment by your doctor.
Disclaimer, these are my (Bob Briggs) results, this website is informational in nature and not intended to replace treatment by your doctor.
Now here’s the question you have to ask yourself?
If 276 pounds of fat (about 125 kilos of fat) is enough energy to keep a man alive for over a year without eating?
Why are fat people ever freaking hungry?
If that fat belly has all that energy, why do fat people ever get hungry?
We can get the answer to that question from Cahill’s work too.
Cahill found that so long as the body is in a fed state, a state of being where there is food being eaten and insulin levels are high, then all the tissues, organs and muscles of your body use blood sugar for energy and do not use fat.
And this high insulin level causes the body to not only store fat, but prevent the releasing of fat. It also prevents the body from using the stored sugar called glycogen and prevents the using of protein too.
The body is either burning mostly blood sugar from food or what we’ll call in a fed state,
or burning mostly fat and stored glycogen and in a fasted state.
When you eat, you cause your entire body to switch over to burning sugar for several hours.
How long you’re in this fed state in some ways depends on what you ate, how much you ate and whether or not you are insulin resistant or not.
It’s really simple, when you eat, your body, your organs, muscles, tissues all use blood sugar as their fuel.
And the fat cells are open for business, ready to store the extra calories you just ate as fat.
A few hours after you eat, somewhere between 3 hours if you have a normal insulin response, longer if you’re insulin resistant and even longer or maybe never if you snack, the process of storing calories as fat reverses. First your liver, your muscles and even your fat cells increasingly switch from using blood sugar from food to using stored food, or fat for fuel.
As the insulin levels go down and insulin doesn’t always go down to zero by the way, as insulin levels drop and insulin’s opposite hormone glucogon increases, more and more fat is released for fuel.
By 8 to 10 hours after eating, half the energy your muscles are using is coming from fat instead of blood sugar.
After about 10 hours or so, the levels of fat being released for energy dramatically increase as the body increasingly switches to a using fat for energy.
fastingtime fastingtimeupdown fastingtime-ketones fastingtimeglucogon
If you only have very limited sugar supplies, about enough in your blood stream to fuel the body for about one hour according to Cahill, and if the body likes to hold onto sugar stored as glycogen for an emergency, and if the body doesn’t store extra protein for a rainy day, but keeps most of it locked up in tissues, then the only real source of fuel your body has without eating is body fat.
Now if that fat is locked up because of high insulin levels or constant eating, snacking, then you have to find a way to fuel your body. In other words, you’ll be hungry and tired, because even though the body has a tremendous amount of energy stored in your belly, you can’t access it. So the body tells you to eat, it makes you hungry, to supply it’s energy needs.
Cahill found that Starvation, or going without food, is your body’s way of switching from using blood sugar for a fuel, to using body fat for a fuel. Going without food and switching to fat is also a process that the body uses to preserve proteins, in some very complex ways that we won’t go into in this video, your body uses fat to prevent the using of protein for fuel when you’re not eating, you can read about this complex process in Cahill’s papers which I’ll link to on my website, this preserving of your protein, maintains your organs and tissues for a longer time, until you can find something to eat again.
Insulin, or a relative lack of insulin in relation to it’s sister hormone glucagon, depending on whether or not you are feeding or fasting, is the master hormone of this process. When you’re eating, and it doesn’t matter much what you’re eating, insulin is higher and the body is in a FED state.
While in this FED state, and this lasts for several hours after you eat, your body, your organs, your tissues and muscles exclusively use blood sugar or glucose made from food for energy. Energy being released from fat is greatly reduced or even stopped during this fed state.
Your body is designed to live off FAT, in the absence of food.
You have fat on your body for a number of reasons, but the most important reason you have fat is so you can survive if there was ever a time when food was scarce.
This is an important point and I want to really stress this point.
Your fat is there around your belly as insurance against hard times. But it can only be used in any great amount WHEN YOU ARE DOING WITHOUT FOOD.
Body fat is there to FEED you when there’s no food.
Therefore, if you want to get rid of body fat, you have to do what nature intended you to do, you have to do without food for periods of time. And to get this process started, you don’t have to go without food for days on end. The process of switching to fat can be done on a regular basis, daily even. More about that later.
The fat belly is there to provide us with food when THERE is NO FOOD.
It is there to be used when we don’t eat or can’t eat.
The problem for the fat person is this. If your body doesn’t like to burn glycogen when insulin is up, and it doesn’t like to burn protein period, and if higher insulin levels prevents it from releasing belly fat to burn, and on top of all of these things, if you only have enough blood sugar in your system to fuel your body for about an hour, where is the body supposed to get energy to continue living?
The answer is food and drink. That’s why the hugely fat person is hungry.
It’s a different story for the normal person, they only have higher insulin for only about 2 hours after eating and even their higher insulin is still not that high as we’ll see in a minute. During that short window of time, their body is storing fat too, then that insulin begins to go down and they start the process of switching over to burning fat, or fasting.
But the insulin resistant person is a different story. Their insulin levels go much higher and last much longer. As much as 4 or more hours goes by while they’re waiting for these levels to go down. All this time their body is in fat storage mode. Their body can’t burn glycogen or protein for energy during this time and the higher insulin levels prevent their body from releasing and burning fat. Stick with me for a minute and I’m going to show you some amazing graphics that will make all this stuff crystal clear in your mind.
So their belly is stealing their energy and leaving them hungry between meals. Then they do the worst possible thing, they have a snack to make up for this energy loss and cause their insulin levels to last even longer and grow even higher.
Even some of you on a low carbohydrate diet are doing this too, you’re eating and snacking, thinking the low carb food is the magic of losing weight, but nothing is further from the truth than this. Any eating, especially eating lean protein is just keeping you in the higher insulin zone.
You know almost all my videos are about insulin resistance and chronically high insulin levels, so in this video, I want you to really see what this means, so you’ll really understand. A picture, or in this case a graph is worth a thousand words.
Thanks to Ivor Cummings, who by the way has the best video about cholesterol on Youtube titled “The Cholesterol Conundrum”, I became aware of the work of Dr. Joseph Kraft.
Dr. Kraft spent 30 years studying high insulin levels, or what doctors call “hyperinsulinemia” in literally 10’s of thousands of patients. His work is not theory, he actually blood tested insulin levels in 10’s of thousands of patients and recorded the data for decades.
Here are links to Dr. Joseph Kraft’s works:
Here’s a look at what chronically high insulin levels look like, I like the term high insulin levels better than insulin resistance, because high insulin actually tells you more about your situation than the term insulin resistance.
First let’s look at a normal person, a person who doesn’t have chronically high insulin levels.
They eat, and their insulin goes up like it should.
Insulin levels reach their peak at about an ½ hour to an hour after eating then start falling. But as you’ll see when we get to the graphics for people with high insulin levels, even the peak insulin level for these normal people is small in comparison.
By the third hour, their insulin levels have returned to normal fasting levels. Just for reference sake, Dr. Kraft considered insulin between 0 and 30 microunits per ML normal fasting levels, and these normal people only doubled that 30 microunit level after eating.
Now let’s look at a few people who don’t have this normal insulin response:
This is what Dr. Kraft calls Pattern 2 or Normal Insulin Peak but a Delayed Return to fasting levels.
Insulin levels go higher in these people, a third higher the first ½ hour and double the rate by the first hour after eating. But then they are still almost triple the rate of the normal person the second hour and don’t return to normal until about the fourth hour after eating.
Pattern 3 is what Dr. Kraft calls Delayed Insulin Peak.
Insulin levels are higher than normal throughout the hours after eating, but the highest insulin response comes at the second or even third hour after eating.
Normal people would already have their insulin levels back down into the fasting zone by then, but the people with this pattern 3, still have very high insulin levels in the second and third hour after eating and don’t return to normal fasting insulin levels until after the fourth or even fifth hour after eating.
And remember, this is Dr. Kraft studying people in a controlled setting, his patients would not have been able to grab a snack or a soft drink during those hours after the test began.
So if you had this pattern 3 and have a snack, even a high protein low carbohydrate snack, you are just keeping your insulin levels up even longer, maybe even for most of the day.
Pattern 4 is what Dr. Kraft calls High Fasting Insulin.
Now these are the people who even before eating have insulin levels almost as high as the normal person does even after they’ve eaten.
If you’ll notice, the other patterns had a fasting insulin level of between 0 and 30 microunits/ml.
But these poor unfortunate people have fasting insulin levels above 50.
Just to put these people in perspective.
Normal people, after they eat, their insulin goes to a peak of 60 microunits in an hour. But these people maintain a level of 50 microunits even in the fasted state.
I would guess these people would be people who would find it almost impossible to lose weight without finding a way to reduce that fasting level.
Worst than that, when they eat their levels stay up triple the normal level of insulin for 4 hours and never completely go to normal fasting levels even after 5 hours after eating.
Here’s a graphic with the normal insulin response in light blue and the three patterns of high insulin all together above it in yellow, orange and green.
The most interesting thing to remember from Dr. Joseph Kraft’s graphics is this:
Two people sit down to eat a meal, one might have a normal insulin response to that meal that will leave them back to normal fasting insulin levels in 3 hours. And they won’t get a very high insulin level even after they eat.
The other one might have higher insulin levels BEFORE they even start eating and after they eat, their insulin numbers might be as high as three times the amount as their normal eating partner and they might not be back at normal fasting levels for 5 hours or more. Some of them, because they remain hungry even after eating because of this high insulin response, will snack, these people will almost never be at normal fasting insulin levels.
One important note, Dr. Kraft tested the low carbohydrate diet and found that it can change these abnormally high insulin patterns to a normal insulin pattern within a years time. I’ll link to his study in my notes.
So, from scientist George Cahill’s many works, we learn that the body only releases fat when we don’t eat and insulin is low, otherwise the body remains in the fed state and uses blood sugar from food as it’s energy source.
From Dr. Joseph Kraft’s work, we learn that some people release a lot more insulin than normal and this insulin lasts MUCH longer than normal.
Cahill tells us that This high insulin causes them to not be able to use their stored glycogen, or stored sugar, and keeps them from burning protein, which the body doesn’t like to burn anyway and most importantly of all, keeps them from burning their body fat for fuel for hours and hours. Leaving them with about an hours worth of sugar that they have in their blood at a time. In other words, leaving them hungry for energy and looking for something to eat to supply that energy. So they eat a snack and make this whole rotten vicious cycle last even longer. Because if you eat, you raise insulin levels all over again.
What can you do about this?
Fat, your body fat is there around your middle, because your body thinks it is in a fed state all the time. And if your insulin pattern is like these we’ve looked at, you probably are in that fed state most of the hours of the day, everyday.
There’s only one way, there’s only one way, one way of getting this fat off, if the body believes that fat needs to be stored and held onto because there’s plenty of food, and it does believe this if insulin remains high, then it is waiting for something.
What is it waiting for?
It’s waiting for the signal that food is not available, that’s what it’s waiting for.
What is that signal, low insulin levels is that signal.
As soon as you give it that signal, that food is not available, it will start releasing the fat. It just will, the work of George Cahill has shown us that.
That’s why so many different diets work, any diet that restricts your calories, makes your calories really low, therefore lowing your insulin levels, is going to send that signal, because it lowers your insulin level and this sends the signal to release the fat.
The problem is sustainability, in a world where food is everywhere, it’s hard to sustain a low calorie diet. Is it impossible? No. People have done it, many people have done it.
A Low Carb – High Fat diet, the diet I used to lose 150 pounds is a diet hack, it’s a trick. It’s an imitation of fasting, an imitation of starvation. Starvation itself is a situation where circulating fat is high and insulin is low, a LCHF diet is also a situation where circulating fat is high and insulin is low.
So what’s the trick? We are restricting carbs, and we’re keeping our protein fairly low, not low enough to make us sick, but low, because protein has an effect on insulin that is about half that of carbs. That’s right, when you eat protein, especially some low fat lean protein, you are actually raising your insulin about half as much as eating carbohydrates.
We feed our body fat for a reason, firstly, so we can have something to eat, which makes this diet sustainable. You know trying to go without food long enough to make a difference is extremely hard to do. But this way of eating allows you to eat.
This sustainable fat diet allows us to eat, which makes the diet easy and the high fat part of this diet sends the signal to the body that we’re not eating, you see it’s a trick, because if the body has a lot of fat circulating around inside, fat from the diet, the body thinks it’s in starvation mode already, because if it was actually going without food, the body itself would be releasing fat.
So if we eat fat, when we do eat, it’s sending the SAME signal that the body would get if it was actually going without food.
Fat is also the food with the LEAST effect on Insulin, so insulin is kept low by the fatty food and the very fact that fat is in the system at a higher level, and insulin is low, sends the body the signal that it’s not eating.
You see to the body, it’s all the same, if you are actually starving, insulin is low and the body is releasing fat from your belly, so the levels of circulating fat are higher.
Eating a LCHF meal in essence tricks the body into believing that food is scarce because insulin is low and there’s fat in the system.
So this LCHF diet trick makes this diet sustainable, because we can eat during eating times, and here’s the trick, you need to find a way to not eat and this is the way.
This is the way to not eat, because when we eat a high fat, low carb and a very moderate protein diet, it kills our appetite. BTW, even George Cahill tells us in his work that you only need about 15% of your calories as protein. These people telling you that if you eat fat it will prevent you from losing body fat are just plain wrong. Fat controls the appetite because it controls insulin, but protein has half the effect on insulin as carbs. And therefore, if the appetite is controlled by the relatively small amount of fat we are eating – calorie wise, then we can go long periods without food, because our body will make up the difference by releasing our stored fat from our belly.
Look, when I say eat a high fat diet, I’m not talking about a high calorie diet. I’m not talking about eating sticks of butter. I’m talking about eating a high percentage of the lower calorie diet that you will be eating as fat. A high fat percentage meal or two, not a high calorie diet. And you don’t have to worry about your calories that much, just eat low-carb high fat, moderate protein until satisfied, then listen to the appetite control that diet will give you and don’t eat when not hungry. You’ll end up eating a lower calorie diet without effort.
Now listen, this is the trick, the not eating, not eating, the fasting, intermittently fasting, the going without food is what the body has been waiting for, it is the signal that tells it to get rid of the fat.
Because looking for a time when we’re not eating is the whole reason it stored fat in the first place.
This fat that’s around your belly and your butt and chinny chin chins is there and it’s been there waiting for you to NOT EAT.
And this diet makes it simple to NOT EAT.
You are fat because you’ve been trying to live off the food you take in, instead of the food you’ve already stored on your body.
In the FED state, this higher and longer lasting insulin level has locked up a huge amount, a big fat bank account of fat and the only way to make a withdrawal on that fat bank account is to stop eating and get the insulin down.
And being able to do that on a regular basis, being able to do that for months, many even for a couple of years, because some of you are so fat it will take a LOT of withdrawals on your big fat bank account before you spend all that extra fat for energy. It took me 14 months to withdraw a hundred and forty five pounds.
A sustainable long term plan of intermittently NOT EATING.
Listen, You can only be in one of two states, FED or FASTED.
Fed doesn’t mean, “I just ate but an hour later I’m fasted”, no, it takes time to transition from the fed state to the fasted state. As we’ve seen from the work of Dr. Joseph Kraft, for some of you, it will take several hours to get into this fasted state. And that means not eating.
The good news is THIS DIET, this LCHF diet makes not eating easy, because FAT controls your appetite. No will power required.
So to be in a fasted state, means you’ve lowered your insulin levels down low, you’ve kept it there for hours and hours on end.
We do this with a high fat diet, that’s what we do, this is a trick.
Now listen, if you don’t like this high fat diet, go and do a LOW calorie diet, if you can sustain it, have at it.
But, it’ll probably be hard for you, you won’t control your appetite as easy as the high fat diet controls your appetite.
But if you go on this LCHF diet, You’ll find yourself going for hours and hours without eating, naturally and without effort, because you’ll be living off your big fat bank account of energy. You’ll be making constant withdrawals on that account and you’ll soon see your pants are falling off.
Because if there’s only two states of either fed or fasted, once we lower the insulin level, that’s one of the signs to the body that we’re not eating. Once our appetite is gone, we actually won’t be eating.
So we eat a high fat meal, it tricks the body into believing that we’re already in a fasted state, it gives us something to eat too, so it makes this diet more sustainable, then we use the actual appetite control to not eat for 12, 14, 15, 16, maybe even 24 hours in between meals. I know for some of you that sounds like B.S., but believe me, this diet makes going without food easy. It’s easy because you’ll be living off your fat savings account.
The notes and links for this video are on my website and as always come visit me on Facebook.
Enjoy your retirement from being hungry. Enjoy living on your big fat bank account.
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