Monday, April 8, 2024

Watching the Eclipse 2


My photography skills were not able to show what the moon actually looked like blocking the sun.  I think the little dot on the lower part of the photo is a planet that was visible. 


  1. Replies
    1. That was a shame about not going on your trip to Niagra Falls. It sounds like it was a good idea not to go though. I didn't see the planets except in the photos.

  2. I had a lens for my phone camera. It didn't do much. We tried it on a Nikon SLR camera, it still didn't do anything. This is a learning curve, but you got some great pictures.

    1. That is interesting to hear. I thought, "Well, all I have is a tacky cell phone. If I had better equipment, I guess I could have gotten a real shot." As if it mattered. So getting eclipse photos is tricky. It was glorious to see for a few moments and I'm glad I got to see it. I gasped when I first saw the moon completely covering the sun. Thank you so much for the glasses. I probably wouldn't have had them if not for you. What did you think of the little dots flying around?

    2. A neighbor told me about the planets, but I couldn't see them. Speedy was probably an insect.
