Monday, July 10, 2023

I Don't Like Summer Anymore


There are better months than January.  But I'm starting to think summer is even less better than January.  

Yes, I fired the yard person.  I made up my mind that no matter how high the grass got,  the yard person was history.   Unless you are a woman you may not understand what can go on just steps outside your door.  What's the last thing yard people think they should do?  Anything a woman tells them to do.  They have many crazy ways of making you wish they would go home.   So, it got to the point that I told the yard person to go home.  I even hired another yard person.  The nuther yard person charged me $4000 for cutting the grass.  Well, it had been around two months since it had been cut, and their mother told them to demand that.  This happened during the alleged pandemic when the yard person came down with the dread disease.  

So after that the yard person saw their true value.  Since that wasn't going to happen,  "they" began to punish me.  Soon I decided that it just wasn't worth it to have the grass clipped.   For one thing, every scrape of landscape had been demolished.  Many rosebushes, more than ten, were torn down.  Other ornamentals.  No weeds though.  Get out of town.   After that I began to hike through fields of clover, very tall clover, to get anywhere.  I wouldn't mind that so much, but there is another problem.  A varmint lives in the fields of clover called chiggers.  So a few days ago I walked through the grass and decided not to take the precautions of a bath, thinking that I had slithered through OK.  Oh no.  Pretty soon, every place on my feet where my shoes had been was bloody from chiggers.  I had to take a bath in nail polish to calm things down.  Meantime, I was unable to wear shoes because of the injuries.   I guess the yard person knows this.  I still haven't surrendered.   I had started to think the unthinkable.  "Am I capable of mowing the lawn??"

Today, for the first time in a week, I have put on my shoes.  Have I learned my lesson??  What do you think?  I have been pondering what to do.  Well, I could take newspapers and boxes and make paths through the grass.  I guess that's what it has come to.  


  1. Well, for today I learned my lesson. A). I put torn up boxes and newspapers over the grass to make a path in the yard. B) After tiptoeing over my box path, I came inside and jumped in the bathtub and put my clothes in the dryer. Perfection has been achieved. And yesterday I didn't go outside at all because I didn't feel like messing with tiptoeing on boxes. Anyway, it was raining.

  2. I will not mow the lawn. I will not mow the lawn.
