Saturday, July 1, 2023

Big Weight Loss - Yippee!

Last November I decided to quit eating dairy.  My doctor had encouraged me to do this because I am allergic to dairy.  But I thought it was no big deal.  Finally the problems became more obvious, and I was pretty much backed into a no dairy corner.  

Since that time I started losing weight.  I suppose it's due to less calories.  I've lost around 33 lbs.  The dairy issues have gone away.  I was especially reluctant to stop putting cream in coffee, but started using Nutpods almond/coconut creamer.  I can't much tell the difference in taste.  

I've quit eating almost everything but pork, eggs, chicken and butter.  No fair.  Butter is dairy.  OK.  I get hungry sometimes.   I don't even eat plants.  Except for tomatoes.  And the Nutpods creamer.  Where's the beef?  No beef either.  Why?  I guess I am suspicious of beef.  I see what happened with dairy as extending to beef.   I'm just done with moo cows.  Along the way I started reading about mad cow disease.  I didn't realize the magnitude of the problem in England around 20 years ago.  By some estimates, more than a million people were infected with mad cow disease in England, however many are asymptomatic.  Many people in England are not qualified to donate blood because of this.  Did you know that swine are not very susceptible to mad cow disease?  Do you think that beef producers would ever ever feed tainted feed to their herd or ship sick cows to market?  Well, I know for sure they sometimes do.  What if a cow comes down with brucellosis?  Ship that baby to market quick!  The local butchers have been 90% replaced with only four large meat packing plants in the country.  When you buy hamburger it could contain the meat from as many as 1000 cows, which seems to me to increase the risk of exposure to meat from a diseased cow.  I would guess that this risk would be less with a roast or steak.  Add in the fact that livestock are given antibiotics and hormones.  What about swine?  They too get their antibiotics, but I don't think they get hormones, because that is mainly given to cows to increase milk output.   

The nurse at the doctor's office was shocked about my diet.  What about calcium??  Do you supplement?  I thought this was silly.  Calcium is not much of an issue.  Everyone thinks women have osteoporosis because of low calcium.  More likely it's due to too much sugar in the diet raising the need for more calcium in order to handle the sugar.  But I do take supplements of multivitamins just to be safe.   The one supplement I try to be sure and take is a B vitamin complex with MTHFR, which is a short for the ultimate form of folate that the body uses.  

It seems like I eat numerous calories, but I seem to have lost about a pound a week since November.  This amazes me and makes me happy.   I think I'm almost as skinny as the little fairy princess in New York.  ☺️

                          The Little Fairy Princess in New York




  1. The good fairy of the west soars.

    1. You've been reading my blog. You need to look at a map of the US though. The Little Fairy Princess of New York lives east of here. Well, that's the fairy princess, not the good fairy. OK

    2. Mrs. Billingsley is under a dark star today. I just didn't sleep well, and I'm a bit cross.
