Monday, February 26, 2024

Nutritional Therapy for Dementia? I've been reading a book called Brain Trust by Colm Kelleher. I came across an interesting paragraph about prions in his chapter 8 called "Slow Virus." The misfolded proteins, later called prions, were believed to be covering a slow virus. Early on most researchers were convinced that scrapie, kuru, Mad Cow, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Disease, were caused by a slow virus. The misfolded protein was possibly a covering for this slow virus. To isolate the elusive slow virus, enzymes were used to dissolve the misfolded protein, aka prion. The prion dissolved but there was no slow virus. Besides that, the prion was no longer infectious. This reminded me a a couple of videos I've seen on Youtube about getting rid of long Covid. The problem with Covid centers around the spike protein. Some people have found that taking the digestive enzyme bromelain with NAC dissolves spike protein in the blood and by taking it have recovered from long Covid. What kills prions? Clorox? No. Heat under 1700ยบ F? No. Formaldehyde? No. Coca Cola? I don't know. Digestive enzymes? Yes. Connecting the dots, it seemed to me that bromelain might have a beneficial effect on dementia since it is caused by misfolded proteins and bromelain dissolves proteins. I understand from the EONutrition video on Youtube about a remedy for spike protein that bromelain should be taken with NAC. He also recommends nattokinase. And how could I research this idea? Well, nattokinase, found in natto, a fermented soy bean food eaten mostly in Japan, is a digestive enzyme. Therefore, it would stand to reason that eating natto would possibly get rid of the proteins in the brain that cause dementia. Which country has the lowest level of dementia in the developed world? That country would be Japan. Eat your natto. Posted by Helene Louise at 7:52 PM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest

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