Friday, January 19, 2024

Inside Walmart


I whimpered so much yesterday about running out of eggs that David, my wonderful step brother, offered to go to Walmart and buy me a dozen eggs.   Well, the truth was, I still had eight eggs, so I didn't want to waste any magic favors on the issue.  Mainly the problem was all the excitement in the driveway, sometimes known as complications of cabin fever.  "Well, if you can't get out tomorrow, I'll push your car out."  Nice.  So sanity began to return.  Then I had an idea.  I usually get groceries by putting in an order with Walmart pickup, and just pulling up and getting them loaded into the trunk.  If there was still a problem today getting out of the driveway, maybe he could stop by the Walmart and pick up the groceries at pickup.  Sure, he said.   Greaaaaat!!  

Today I tried to place an order with Walmart, but they weren't doing pickup today.   They would schedule me for Saturday night at 9:00 pm.   Lovely, travel icy roads at midnight.  No way.  And so it was that I managed to pull out of the driveway and go to Walmart.  I prayed for an electric cart.  Walmart was like an anthill with panic shoppers, so it seemed unlikely there would be an electric cart.  I fortified myself for pushing a regular cart around, but I knew I could do it.  When I went inside I was surprised to see one electric cart sitting there all charged up.  It was like having a vision.  Yet almost all the regular shopping carts were gone, being used by all the customers.  

I headed straight to the eggs.  I expected my favorite eggs to be sold out, but there were four dozen left, and I bought them all.  Then I bought six of the 18 egg cartons.  Other than that I didn't get much, just a few things.  What will I do with 12 dozen eggs? Well, they last a long time, so eventually I'm sure we would eat them.  And I planned to make more pickled eggs.   

Thank you Jesus.  

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