Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Dental Success


My crown on my bottom left molar has finally been cemented back on.  I had very little to do with this except to complain to high heaven to dentists.  Otherwise I sat in a dental chair.  At first the dentist didn't feel like much novocaine was needed.  That all changed with a loud shriek and a lot of thrashing around.  Other than that it was uneventful.   The dentist said I had no cavities and asked me if the person in the VA dental clinic that diagnosed four cavities was an actual dentist.  Yes, an actual dentist told me last week that I had four cavities and all of my crowns would have to go.  I'd be unable to chew for a loooong time.   But this turned out to not be the case.  So all the dental emergencies are over.  No cavities.  No destruction of any crowns.  What was that about?  Incompetence, I suppose.  

So even though my part in the dental drama was passive, I feel like I accomplished a lot today.   Oh, I never did go to the clinic in Texas.  The local clinic called yesterday and told me they have an opening today.  This was supposed to be paid for by the VA, but the VA kept insisting that they would only pay for the four cavities that didn't exist to be repaired.  Somehow the local clinic managed to explain the problem to them and the actual issue with my crown needing to be put back on my molar was addressed.   But getting the VA on the right page was like pulling teeth.  


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