Friday, May 24, 2024

Dental Outrage


I got a call from the dental clinic that put my crown back on.  They had an opening on Friday at 12:40 pm for me to have my teeth cleaned.  Well, OK.  I don't like having my teeth cleaned at all and I don't think it is necessary.  It may even be dangerous.   Drilling is dangerous too.   I brush.  I floss.  I don't eat sugar.  End of story.  But I decided to play along with them.  

This morning I decided to try and go about 15 minutes early.  Why?  They teach you that in obedience school.  I arrived around 12:35.  I had missed my turn and spent a few minutes trying to get back to the dental office.  As I entered, I read the names of the two dentists who resided there, and their office hours.  Yep.  This was the place.  I walked in and smiled and greeted the inhabitants of the front office.   You never saw such a bunch of angry looking office workers.   "What's up?" I wondered.  I seemed to have walked into the Twilight Zone.  The temperature had dropped 50º and the office had filled with demons.  No one returned my greeting or my smile.  I seemed to have upset a mysterious applecart.  One of them started telling me  in a harsh voice that I was supposed to have been there at 12:20 and so they had given my appointment to someone else.  Really?  The parking lot was empty.  I distinctly remembered that I was told 12:40.  OK, maybe I should have called and confirmed.  Their leader asked me if I knew what time it was.  I looked around for a clock, but no, there was none.  They were all outraged that I had dillydallied around until 12:40 to come in.  "Well, we'll reschedule you at another time if that will work for you," the President of Scheduling said, saying they would call if they should have another opening.  "Maybe, maybe not," I said.   Wow.  A frosty glare darkened her face at my flip remark.  This surprised me.  Sometimes things happen that make it difficult to obey the scheduling department.  Anyway, I didn't like the direction things were taking here.   I checked my cell phone when I left the parking lot.  12:38.  Why did they try to pin 12:40 on me?  

I went home to Planet Earth and put them on call block so I wouldn't have to listen to any more of their stuff.  I suppose the full moon was involved.  Or maybe it's something in the water.    


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