Friday, December 16, 2022

New Microwave Gadget


I decided I wanted this microwave egg cooker because it will make sunny side up eggs without having to fry them on the stove.  Both the top and the bottom are metal covered with silicone so the microwave doesn't explode.  This design seems to cook the eggs so that they don't dry out, and it takes about 2 to 3 minutes.  The wells that hold the eggs will also do a good job on sausage or ground beef.  The little round shape makes sausage patties about the size of an English muffin cut in half.  I've been taking the sausage patty and putting the egg on top and making an egg McMuffin without the muffin.  Much is made in the advertising about the protection of the food from microwaves, preserving all the nutrients without damage.  Does the microwave damage nutrients otherwise?  I don't know.  I like my new gadget, and after breakfast is made I wipe it off with a paper towel, rinse it, and it's all cleaned up.   A lot of people were happy with the way that they can make a perfect egg McMuffin and have time to fix breakfast in the morning before work.  It looks like the tray on the top part could be used too, maybe for bacon, but I haven't tried that yet.  I'm really happy with the way breakfast has gotten easier around here, both with this gadget, and just using a mug to make sausage and scrambled eggs.  The biggest advantage is that I can just turn on the microwave and come back in a few minutes, whereas with a frying pan on the stove, everything has to be constantly supervised during the entire cooking time.  

I was alerted to easier ways of making breakfast by my brother.  He has completely taken over cooking in his home, and I'm impressed with the way he's taken to it.  He has thrown himself into his chef role and seems to enjoy it, and come up with innovations that surprise me.  I don't know what brought about the passing of the cooking baton to him, since he won't elaborate, but I have the feeling there may have been a kitchen drama behind it.   

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