Thursday, August 9, 2018

Turpentine Therapy Day 11

I started thinking yesterday that taking turpentine was a bad idea.  They say that's the parasites talking.  They hijack your brain and put thoughts in it. There is actually evidence of this that is accepted mainstream science.  But suddenly today, on day 11, I noticed that my shoulder didn't hurt.  I injured my shoulder four years ago.  At first it was a big problem, then it was just a nuisance.  Who among us hasn't injured their shoulder?  

So this was exciting news in my world.  If my shoulder could heal, what else could happen?  Anything!  It's a miracle!  

An email friend suggested that in addition to turpentine I should add borax, up to half a teaspoon a day if I could tolerate it.  So I thought about it and decided to add borax, a fourth of a teaspoon.  How did that go?  I didn't think it went that well.  Yesterday I felt like the Mafia had beaten me up.  Well, I thought, that's the end of taking borax.  Again, the parasites talking. By borax, I am speaking of the cleaning powder.  Twenty Mule Team Borax.  It contains boron, and some say it's a necessary nutrient, and deficiency can result in arthritis.  

But today I have definitely improved.  I can move in a lot less pain.  I am starting to notice that a lot of things are getting done that I needed to do, but put off because of pain.  Other people also notice the difference.  

So what's next?  There's more?  Oh yes!  Next is diatomateous  earth.  Why? It flushes out the small intestine.  So what?  Well, who knows what's going on in there?  OK.  I'll add that.  What else someone will convince me to try?  

I suppose no one has wondered if the parasites are gone.  This is hard to say because they can be hard to find.  May I tell you a story?  I took my dog to the vet, and they checked him for parasites.  They claimed he had none.  Later that day I was playing with him and what did I see?  I got a baggie and captured the unmentionable and took it to the vet.  Uh oh.  That's a tapeworm, they said.  They're rare around here (the Mohave Desert at the time).  Good thing he's a puppy because it's expensive to treat.  But don't worry.  They don't infect people.  Oh? I have bad news.  Dog heart worms and dog tapeworms can infect people.  In the case of tapeworm, one would have to accidentally eat on of the dog's fleas.  Dog heart worms supposedly don't cause illness in people. But the point is, why did they do a test and assure me that the dog didn't have any parasites?  Their explanation was that they can't tell.  OK.  Therefore, we can have parasites also and they can't tell either.  And one might wait a long time for any doctor to even think to check for them.  

And so it was that I jumped out of bed and took a teaspoon of turpentine gum spirits with a tablespoon of castor oil first thing on an empty stomach.  Then I stirred 1/4 teaspoon of borax into 1 quart of water for drinking water today.  Will I take the diatomaceous earth?  Maybe.   That depends on how brave I get. 

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