Sunday, February 27, 2022

Helene's Doppelgånger


Recently it snowed here.  This area shuts down when it snows.  The road is closed.  It's nice because suddenly you're on vacation.  

When I got up yesterday morning the Billingsley drama had begun.  Where was Mrs. Billingsley?  She was sitting on a chair in the kitchen and she was having trouble going back to her chair in the living room.  Well, she was going to have to figure that out because I couldn't call 911 since the road was closed.  Eventually she managed to go back to the living room, but I was annoyed because the chaos took about half an hour to sort out, all before coffee.   

"Why were you in the kitchen?" I asked.  "I was trying to get outside," she answered.  Outside is a  three inch sheet of ice and when she fell I would be the only one that could possibly rescue her, which I probably couldn't do.  "Haven't I asked you not to go outside?" I replied as sternly as I could.  "I thought you were outside," she said.  "What made you think I was outside?"  "I saw you outside through the window.  You were walking in the snow.  You were wearing your green and navy blue dress."  "OK. I don't have a green and blue dress.  Also, I haven't been outside."  "I saw you!  I saw you while I was looking out the window."  For some crazy reason, this alarmed me a little.  I have suspected I have an evil twin, but no one ever sees her.  

In my mind I was fastening child proof gates and taking doorknobs off doors.   Put rails on the bed? I wondered.   Nursing home?

Why was she seeing such things?  I knew of only one reason.  She was just plain eating too many carbs.   She doesn't operate well on straight glucose.  I would have to double down on the ketogenic diet.  I thought that her imaginary people only showed up at night or after eating a few pieces of pie.   Therefore it didn't seem necessary to go crazy with carb counting.  

I gave her some MCT oil.  A tablespoon of MCT oil does wonders for elevating ketones quickly.  So do exogenous ketones.  And so, Mrs. Billingsley is on a stricter diet and gathering her forces.  

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