Monday, February 1, 2016

Jessner's Peel #3

Have I learned my lesson?  No, I have not.

What can one accomplish with a medium chemical face peel?  A lot.  What can one accomplish with six superficial face peels?  About what one can accomplish with a medium face peel.  

And so I pioneered on to my third Jessner's peel.  I wasn't afraid this time.  Oh, just enough to exercise caution.  First, I put Vasoline on my left eye, because I intended to peel my eyelids.  I decided to do the left eye first, then the right, and nothing but my eyes.  Then follow that with the rest of my face.  The last time I saved the eyelids for last, since the eyelids are more sensitive.  The problem was that I then had Vasoline over both eyes and couldn't see what I was doing.  So I did the eyes separately, one at a time, each one getting it's own individual peel.  I put Vasoline on the my tear ducts, inner eye, and as close as I could get to my outer left eyelid.  Then I proceeded to put the Jessner's peel solution on my left eyelids.  The lower lid frosted, but I was more cautious with the upper lid because I didn't want to take chances with acid in my eye.  Can I say that last time I did get some in my eye, and my eye swelled up a little.  Yet I am not blind.  I don't encourage this, but I mention it because it is a concern.  Why would I get so close to the eye?  Because, in my own case, I have allergies, and my eyes have really taken a toll.  They have dark circles, and a red rim, and it just isn't pretty.  I don't think most people suffer to this degree but I was very tired of the dark circles and red rims.  At the end of the eyelid peel, I remembered something that I should have done to protect my eyes, which is to put the gel type artificial tears in so the eyes are coated.  So I did that after the fact.

After two peels, I saw enough improvement in my eyelids that I went on.  

I have read that about six superficial peels equals one medium peel.  Some would say, "So get a medium peel."  Maybe, but first, I am on my own, and second, medium peels can cause consequences that superficial peels don't cause. What's the rush? 

And so I did my third Jessner's peel.  At the moment, I'm still waiting for results.  I'm not nearly as frightenend as I was the first time.  My face looks like I'm sunburned. 

Time three.  Nothing to speak of.  Achy a bit.  Yes, going on to TCA 25%.

I think I'll try the 25% TCA on my hands first.  I have an idea I have thick skin and will tolerate it OK, but it's a lot stronger than Jessner's and I want to see how I personally react.  

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