Sunday, July 26, 2015

Skin Peels vs. Cosmetic Surgery

This is an example of the benefit to be had from a skin peel.  This patient had a face lift followed by a skin peel about a month later.  Dr. Denenberg, her surgeon, explained that wrinkles are not treated by a face lift.  This surprised me and I think a lot of people think that's what a face lift does.  To treat wrinkles, the skin itself needs to be treated, whereas a face lift focus on the part of the face underlying the skin.  Most of the rejuvenation this patient received was from the skin peel.  I think it looks amazing.  Is she actually a happier person now?  She looks like she is.

What kind of skin peel did she have?  My guess would be either a 35% TCA peel, which is a medium peel, but should be done by a medical specialist, or a phenol peel, which is a deep peel, which really really has to be done by a doctor.  My best guess is phenol, due to the level of improvement in the wrinkles.

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