Monday, April 14, 2014

Blood Moon

No doubt everyone has heard that tonight will be a total lunar eclipse.  It is called a Blood Moon, because the moon will appear to be red as it is eclipsed.  There are two interesting things about this eclipse. First, it is the first of four total consecutive lunar eclipses.  When there are four total consecutive lunar eclipses, it is called a tetrad. These eclipses will happen on April 15, 2014, October 8, 2014, April 4, 2015, and September 28, 2015.  Second, all the eclipses occur on major Jewish holy days.  Eclipse 1 and 3 will both be on Passover,  and eclipse 2 and 4 will both be on the Feast of Tabernacles.

I have read several blogs and news reports that some feel "something's up," and it isn't good.  For starters, the Talmud states, "When the moon is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for Israel. When the face of the moon is red as blood, it is a sign that the sword is coming to the world."  John Hagee, a televangelist, feels we will see drastic world changes.  And several have pointed out that other tetrads have coincided with  major events for the Jewish people: the year 1492, when Queen Isabella expelled Jews from Spain, 1948, the year of the statehood of Israel, and 1967, the year of the Six Day War.

There are also two solar eclipses coming up: March 20, 2015, and September 13, 2015, which also is the Feast of Trumpets.

Do I think "it's a sign"?  Are we being given a message from God?  Well, it is true that the Gospels record a three hour period of darkness in the middle of the day during the crucifixion of Christ.  Was this a solar eclipse?  The problem with that is that the crucifixion occurred during Passover, which happens at the full moon.  A full moon would preclude a solar eclipse.  But this doesn't mean it couldn't have turned dark for three hours supernaturally.  So, I believe that God does cause signs in the heavens during major events, or else can arrange for events to happen at times of occurrences like eclipses.  Also, at the birth of Christ, the magi followed a star to find him.

On the other hand, significant events happen often.  Was there an eclipse when the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans or by the Babylonians?  Not that I know of.  Was the moon in the seventh house? Did Jupiter align with Mars?   I suppose the next year or so may see "the sword coming to the world."  But then, when hasn't the sword come to the world?  Was there a tetrad immediately prior to World War II?  A comet?

I find it curious that the lunar eclipses would occur on Jewish holy days, except that the Jewish holy days often happen on the full moon, so that if total lunar eclipses happened four times in a row in less than two years, it's almost certain that some of them would fall on a Jewish holy day.

Will there be witches in the air?  Undoubtedly.  Will there be an increase in crime and mayhem?  Maybe. Remember:  eclipse and apocalypse rhyme!

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