Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Golden Age

Are we in the "last days"?  I would say yes and no.

When people speak of the last days, it sounds like they think the earth will cease to exist and then we will all go to a spiritual plane where we strum harps and float on clouds all day.  This isn't what I think because it isn't Scriptural.

The last days spoken of in the Bible are the last days of this era.  There was the era before the flood, the flood then becoming a type of the last days.  There was the era of the Patriarchs and the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  Then the church era came, which is our era.

So I do think we are in the last days of this era, and it doesn't go well at the end.  We are at the end of the age.  Yes, it's sad.  There's no way around that.

Why would there be an end of the age?  Jesus said it would be like the days of Noah, before the flood.  Can I just say the days before the flood became very strange?  Strange days indeed.  Yes, I memorized Genesis 6-9 also, because I was interested.  What were they doing?  It says "the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair."  So what?  I've read all sorts of imaginative explanations about this until I became convinced that no one had any idea at all.  It also says, "There were giants in the earth in those days."  How big were these giants?  I've heard people say they were the height of telephone poles.  No one seems to know.  Also, so what?  Why would God destroy all people and all animals on earth because of the sons of God marrying the daughters of men and giants living on earth?  And so one must speculate.  Why does God speak in riddles?  I guess to make us speculate.   In the flood account in Genesis, God became very disturbed with people about the time that the sons of God married the daughters of men.  One person even said to me that they thought Cain was the son of Eve by a demon, possibly Satan. I set this straight right away because in that very same chapter of Genesis it says that Adam knew Eve and she conceived and bare Cain.  I think we were to understand that their first child murdered their second child because evil had entered the world.

 I've heard two theories.  1)  This is the old theory.  "The sons of God" were the descendants of the righteous Seth, who was born after Cain murdered Abel.  They went crazy and married into the lineage of the evil Cain, "the daughters of men."  Nah.  One interesting thing about the lineage of Cain and Seth is the similarity of the names of the lineages.  Also, if you do the math, you see that up until just about the time of Noah, everyone on earth was a contemporary of Adam.  One other math fact about the antediluvian world.  If you calculate how many children people who live to be nearly one thousand years old can have, and how many children their children can have, it easily comes to billions within around 1600 years.  At least as many people as are alive today.  But I digress.  2)  The recent theory.  "The sons of God" are angels, "the daughters of men" are regular earth people.  Possibility.  It just seems unlikely because it wouldn't seem that we would be genetically compatible, or even that they are capable of doing that, but what do I know?

So, whatever it was, boundaries had been breached.  Suppose angels were having children with people,  possibly very big children, and this is when God became very concerned and decided to destroy the earth.   These angels couldn't have been good angels. They would be demonic.  Is that going on today?

Not as far as I know.  This is where people really start using their imaginations and saying demons are breeding with people right and left right now.  Well, I don't believe that.  But, oh, by the way, I believe that all this "aliens visitors from other planets," and "alien abductions" is demonic.  The aliens look like demons, they act like demons, they talk like demons.  I think they are demons.  If there are aliens, where did they come from?  Another galaxy far far away!?  Too much Star Trek!  Other galaxies are too far away.  They'd never make it.  They are the other intelligent life already on earth, demons.  So, if the pre flood people were becoming friendly with demons, in that sense, I'd say we are developing the same tendency.  I think that if demons wanted to make themselves more acceptable to us, they might tell us they were aliens, and they had all sorts of technology to tell us about to help us.  Beware of aliens!!

Before leaving the flood topic I have one other theory, all my own, I think.  I remember a long time ago, I was told in school that oil that is made into gasoline and such comes from the remains of the dinosaurs.  One of the gas companies used to have a dinosaur as their company logo.  "Dinosaurs were covered with sediment and dirt and eventually pressure left nothing of them but oil."  I don't hear this idea much anymore.  I hear, "Fossil fuels were created by vegetation of primordial forests."  It's not even animal!  It's said to be vegetable.  Why?  I'll tell you why!!  Not only was it animal, it was the remains of the people of the flood days!!  That's what we're running our cars, and planes and lawnmowers on!  We're cannibals!  You see, the people built cities, and the oil fields of today are found where the cities before the flood used to be.  Just a theory...

In the last days, violence increases, and evil increases.  It seems to me that the Bible is tight lipped about exactly how.

But the interesting thing to me is the other areas that would have to be in line for it to be the last days.  Take the lingua franca - English, conveniently for me.  There needs to be a lingua franca for people to organize well enough to carry out the craziness of the last days.  When Jesus Christ was on earth, there was a lingua franca, and there was a very good road system.  The Roman roads were built to last 1000 years.  It's 2000 years later and most of them are still there.  The Roman Empire facilitated transportation and communication by the roads, the language, and the order imposed by their government.  Transportation and communication facilitated the ability to spread the Gospel.  Today, the English language is the first language spoken by as large a percentage of the the population as Latin was during the Roman Empire.  So we have a common language, sort of.  This is a recent turn of events.  As is the level of communication and transportation.  These things would be necessary for the empire of the Antichrist to take hold worldwide.  The computer would be a necessity also.  And, there is the fact that the Jews are back in the Promised Land, and I hear there are plans to rebuild the temple, which also has to happen, due to prophesy.

So, yes, I think it is the end of the age.  I think "the end of the age" could go on a long time.  No, it isn't the end of the world.

In fact, there is an age following the end of this age.  The present age ends with evil reigning for seven years, called the Tribulation.  The age following the Tribulation is the Millennium.  For one thousand years our lives and life on earth will be restored to the beautiful level it was before the flood.  People will live to be a thousand years old.  Children will be able to play safely with asps.  Swords will be turned into plows, as we'll need no swords.  The lion will lie down with the lamb.  So this can't be too far off.  But, as it was in the days of Noah, so in our day, there will need to be a monumental purging of evil in order for God to bring in the Millennium.

Some day I'd like to say more about the Millennium.  Actually, I don't know much.  I'd have to invent it.  It will be "the Golden Age," dreamed of by humanity.  It's gotten way too little attention.

To be continued

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