Monday, December 30, 2013

Children of the Cabbage

I have been sprouting now for a while.  It all started when I tried to add more fresh produce to my diet, and found it to be virtually impossible to do.  

Now I live in a tiny little farm, it seems.  Farm?! you ask.  It doesn't look like a farm.  Hardly even a yard.  Well, I bet my little farm could sustain life.  In a certain amount of misery.  Yes, I began sprouting seeds, mostly broccoli, mung, and alfalfa, like everyone else.   Besides the convenience of lots of fresh produce without a lot of gardening, it's very inexpensive.  

When I saw how well this solved the fresh produce problem, and how much it did for my health, I decided to try harder to grow wheatgrass.  

Not so fast.  So what if you grow it?  Then you must juice it!

Have you ever tried to juice sprouts?  I have.  Put them in the Jack Lalane juicer, and watch as they whirl, going directly to the juicer's waste bin without juicing them.  And grass isn't any better.  

Just eat the grass straight? you say.  Well, we aren't designed to break down cellulose, so our system doesn't do well on grass.  

But if you can juice the grass, some say it's practically miraculous.  

Well, we'll see.  I bought a hand crank juicer, and a tray and soil and seed.  I read the instructions.  

It seems the wheatgrass can be finicky.  It prefers 65 degrees.  An exact amount of water, no more, no less.  Exact amount of sunshine.  Best to grow it outside....

Yes, so say the deer.  In trying to solve this myriad of new problems, a whole lot of new ways of spending money are brought up.  Sunshine problems?  Get a growing light.  Space problems?  Buy a special cart.  Special soil, fertilizers, composts.  Expensive juicers.  Why not just buy the wheatgrass their own house and staff of employees?  

You may say, "Oh, I know!  Buy powdered wheatgrass!"  Then new questions arise.  Debate upon debate.  This is not actually wheatgrass juice!  This is powdered dried wheatgrass.  It may be bursting with nutrients, but is it digestible?  Well, no one seems to know.  

I overheard someone say they had read a study that tested subjects who drank wheatgrass juice made from wheatgrass sprouted on soil and compared them with other subjects who drank wheatgrass juice grown from hydroponic wheatgrass, wheatgrass that has been grown on water alone,  showing both groups' blood tests having identical improvements.  

So finally I got out my original tray method of sprouting, and decided to grow my first crop on that, just using water.  Does it work?  I don't know, yet.  We'll see. 

There are two factoids I find interesting, but probably no one else does.  One is that instead of juicing the wheatgrass, some people put it in the blender, which breaks it up enough for human consumption.  The other is that in the event of famine, one could survive by juicing the grass that grows out in fields.  

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